Show Up - Don't Give Up
I Love Dena's words in this chapter. If we can take these few words, apply them to our minds, then perhaps something magical might happen...
He Is . . .
In the midst of our struggles, suffering, and trials, we come to see Jesus as who we want to see. Like Mary and Martha we understand Him...
Week Six: Jochebed
Faith and Letting Go This week, we're studying Jochebed, who was forced to let her only son go in order to save his life. As you read,...
Freedom Friday: Dust of the Desert
The wound Hagar experienced from Sarah wasn’t the last wound Sarah would project onto Hagar. The last wound ended with Hagar and her son...
The Silence
Hagar sat in the silence. Oh so tired and worn from traveling the desert road. And in the silence a startling voice called out to her,...
Chapter Four: Moving On after Loss
Studying Ruth and Naomi and their different reactions to grief, we discover powerful lessons about moving on (or getting stuck) after we...
Sweet Peace
Hello Sweet Online BSF (Bible Study Friends)! We made it through chapter three! Monday I shared this scripture from the book: “But you,...