Simple Reminder
A quote from our book Messed Up Men of the Bible. Share this simple reminder with a friend who needs to hear it about the man in her life.
Love the Broken Ones
We've shared stories from broken women in scripture and in today's world. We’ve read of hope and healing. We’ve cried and we’ve hopefully...
Wounded Women of the Bible: Chapter Ten
Ichabod's Mother: From Burdened to Bitter Sometimes it feels as if the weight of the world has fallen upon us. The heaviness suffocates...
Hagar: Chapter Five
From Persecuted to Pursued I love the story of Hagar. Let's visualize a young beautiful girl living in the king’s palace. Her life...
Three Things to Emulate in Ruth
What can we learn from Ruth about moving on after devastating loss? She shows us three things we can emulate, with God's help and in...