Starving For Attention
She sat in the far corner of the booth, baby on the right of her. Her husband sat across from the baby and their toddler sat across from...
Why Not Today?
Our lack of finding freedom is often connected to someone. Whether from being hurt, disappointed, lack of caring, expectations, or...
Deadlier Than I Thought
How often have you stepped in it? Stuffed your foot right in that mouth. Yep! Just made a big mess of things by letting your tongue run...
Living with Men
A Snippet from our Book: Messed Up Men of the Bible; Seeing the Men in Your Life Through God's Eyes. Dave says: "A steel rod is stronger...
Feeling the Impact of a Child's Wounding
Our wounds come in different forms. From physical abuse to physical illness. From emotional abuse to emotional illness. We are sometimes...
Friend to the Hurting
Finds you Reaches out Identifies the hurt Embraces you and your wounded heart Nurses you back to God and those who can help Determines to...
Wounded Relationships
God gave Adam and Eve a key to a beautiful garden. The place emanated grandeur and fruitfulness of every kind. No one had to pull weeds...