Starving For Attention
She sat in the far corner of the booth, baby on the right of her. Her husband sat across from the baby and their toddler sat across from...
The Gossip Aisle
Many years ago, I passed two women gossiping in the middle aisle of our church. I passed right by them toward the kitchen when God said,...
Why Not Today?
Our lack of finding freedom is often connected to someone. Whether from being hurt, disappointed, lack of caring, expectations, or...
3 Ways to Help Overcome Bitterness
Trying to shake off that bitterness? Here are three things that may help you find freedom.
Escaping the Darkness
A wounded woman hides in the darkness and dares not approach the light. He calls her name. “Deana.” She turns, eyes wide, limbs...
Deadlier Than I Thought
How often have you stepped in it? Stuffed your foot right in that mouth. Yep! Just made a big mess of things by letting your tongue run...
3 Things King David Practiced While in a Crises
Psalm 3—a very short Psalm of only eight verses, yet one that packs a big punch. I must give David props. Though a lousy father,...
Shout Louder
What keeps you from the Lord? What keeps you from worshiping the way you want, from calling out to God how you’d like, or from entering...