The Unfolding of Words
Lena laughed and her voice bellowed down the hall creating a domino effect of laughter. Her entire body jiggled like a bowl of jello. She...
Freedom Friday: Breaking the Boundaries of Burdens
Ichabod's Mother: From Burdened to Bitter What happened to this woman? In Biblical days women were treated with less respect and...
He Is . . .
In the midst of our struggles, suffering, and trials, we come to see Jesus as who we want to see. Like Mary and Martha we understand Him...
Mary, Monarchs and Me
Chapter Four is all about moving on after loss and living again after we find ourselves beaten down by circumstances beyond our control....
Chapter Four: Moving On after Loss
Studying Ruth and Naomi and their different reactions to grief, we discover powerful lessons about moving on (or getting stuck) after we...