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Chapter Four: Moving On after Loss

Studying Ruth and Naomi and their different reactions to grief, we discover powerful lessons about moving on (or getting stuck) after we lose a loved one.

Ruth's story reveals that moving on doesn't mean you forget the person or dishonor their memory. Rather, It means placing your hands in those of the One whose hands were pierced for you, trusting Him to lead you into the future. As a God who is beyond time, He's already there, waiting on us.

Sisters, the Creator can be trusted with our grief, fear, and doubt. Rail against Him if you need to, but realize that He loves you beyond what you can ever imagine. And He will give you what you need in order to take the next step.

As we discussed last week, He can handle our emotions and questions. (Read the Psalms for descriptions of David's roller-coaster emotional state.)

In my early thirties, after suffering several unexplainable and untimely losses in a row, I often felt so helpless and hopeless that I considered walking away from church, God, and faith.

However, when I chose to honestly and authentically express my grief to God, I experienced something almost indescribable. (That's saying something, when a writer admits to being wordless!)

It was as if I'd been beating against His chest in anger and suddenly His arms encircled me. He let me cry as long as I wanted to, but He held me. I can't adequately put it into words...but it was as if I'd reached the bottom and it--He--held. I wanted to let go of HIm, but He wouldn't let go of me.

Sometimes people in depression or deep, deep grief are described as "letting themselves go" (meaning they don't take care of themselves anymore). I pray that this week, you'll let yourself go in another way.

Let yourself go to God, and trust Him to treat you as His beloved daughter, His priceless treasure.

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