The Wounded Women Project
The Wounded Women Project is a project to encourage every day women to walk with wounded and hurting women; to stand firm with their sisters, never turning their backs, but boldly stepping with them into healing.
Far too often we turn our backs on those hurting. How do we come alongside each other facing tragedy, difficult circumstances, loss, wounding, and so much more? How do we walk with our sisters like Christ?
How do we help those struggling with addiction and sin?
How do we love them though they may have messed up?
How do we walk beside them when someone else has hurt them?
This project is to enlighten, encourage, and equip women to:
Empathize with the hurting woman
Reach out even when the hurt feels too close to our own hurt
Walk with rather than away
Set healthy boundaries when ministering to a hurting woman
Understand she matters
Pray over and with wounded women
Speak the truth in Love
Help set them on the right track
Help build a kingdom of strong Christian women
Create Strong Bonds!
For The Hurting Woman
The Wounded Women Project is here to bring hope to your life through God's powerful Word. We want you to know that you are not alone in your suffering.
Biblical women faced persecution, endured loss, lived in difficult circumstances, walked with men who betrayed them, had fathers who hurt them, and so much more.
Though we often feel alone in our wounding, women in today's world face similar issues.
We want to embrace you and your pain.
We want to instill hope and healing into your life by walking with you and not away from you.
We want to speak the truth in love, give encouraging words, and help set you on the right path toward healing.
Pray over you and for you
Let you know there is hope, God does mend the brokenhearted, and He never leaves our side. He walks with us.