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Hello Friend - allow me to let you in on a little secret - "I'm just like any other gal out there." I've been hurt, wounded, broken, pushed down, scarred, and shattered. I've also been picked up, restored, put back together, mended, and healed. I have a huge ache in the pit of my stomach to help women. My goal is to focus on healing hurting hearts and to offer hope and encouragement for each new day. I also want to teach you how to help and walk with hurting women or women who are just having a terrible day. Thanks for taking this journey with me and below you'll read a little more of my story. 

My Story

My Dave

My Kids

I'm an author, speaker, worship leader, music therapist, pastor's wife, mom, and everyday Texas gal. What fuels me is writing, teaching, speaking, and singing.

I've served in the ministry for over twenty years alongside my husband. I'm a recovering "Mess Manager." I have a background and mountain of wounds the Lord has helped me to climb and conquer. At times I find myself trying to slip off the mountain but God is always there to grab hold of - - - and He grabs back! I am learning to see my healing from God's view. I confess I have many more mountains to climb and am a work in progress. Thank You God for never giving up on us!











Yes - we have been through it like most couples, but with God's help came out on the sunny side. David is a brilliant teacher and I learn so much from him. He is quick with wit and humor while it takes me a little time for things to make sense. 


In truth, we are completely opposites! I could go on and on with a long list of the ways we are so different - and yet, somehow we complement each other, especially when working in the ministry.


God is good to help us find balance, pushes us through our difficult seasons, and blankets us with His love. We never stop growing, learning, and caring for one another. 


I’m grateful to have opportunity to write our very first book together called Messed Men of the Bible: Seeing the Men in Your Life Through God’s Eyes. We learned so much about ourselves through this process and pray the book ministers to others.


I have two sons, Jaren and Zach. Both boys have grown into fine young men. God continues to grow and shape them. I must say it has been an adventure watching their lives unfold. 


They are talented young men. What do I like most about their talents?  They use them for God.  Jaren plays guitar while Zach is a skilled drummer. You can imagine what my house sounded like for so many years. I really do miss the noise now that I'm an empty nester. â€‹

We are so proud of them as they pursue school, life, music, and so much more.


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