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Grab a cup of coffee and snuggle up in your favorite nook. Let's talk. How are you doing? I mean really doing. I'd like to help. I offer hope and healing to discouraged, hopeless, and wounded hearts. I give practical advice for hurting women. I encourage women to walk with other hurting women. Why is that so difficult for us?  1 Thessalonians 5:11 tells us to "encourage one another and build one another up." If you will let me, I'd like to do that. You might find my books and blog helpful, but most importantly, I'm here for you so please contact me if you want to talk. 
Praying for you my friend,

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Tina's Story

Learn more of Tina's story in her books.

There was a time when I couldn't smile. Life was hard and little girls shouldn't have to face it so early. I could spend all day sharing with you because there is so much to tell.

I came from a wounded and broken home. 

I watched my father crumble beneath his bottle of alcohol wreaking havoc on those in his way.

I didn't start going to church until the age of twelve. 

My mom and dad had twelve kids - eight boys and four girls. My sister passed away when she was three days old. I lost a brother one month after 9 -11.

I've endured painful circumstances, trials, and tribulation. Only God could save me. 


Joy for the Journey

Tina's Books

The Wounded Women Project 
Helpful Insights

"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds . . ." Hebrews 10:24

The Wounded Women Project is a project to encourage every day women to walk with wounded and hurting women; to stand firm with their sisters, not turn their backs, but boldly step with them into healing. 


Far too often women turn away from their hurting sisters. How do we come alongside women who are facing tragedy, difficult circumstances, loss, wounding, and so much more, and walk with them as Christ would had He been here in the flesh? 

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