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Sweet Peace

Hello Sweet Online BSF (Bible Study Friends)!

We made it through chapter three! Monday I shared this scripture from the book:

“But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; you consider their grief and take it in hand. The victims commit themselves to you. . . .” Psalm 10:14

What does this really mean? The Hebrew translates the verse this way:

“You have seen it, for You have beheld mischief and vexation to take it into Your hand. The unfortunate commits himself to You;” Psalm 10:14

Let’s do a quick break down of the verse.

  • This verse tells us God sees the hurt others do to us.

  • “For You have beheld” literally means God “pays attention to, looks closely, shows regard” to what happened to us.

  • “Mischief and Vexation” – These words speak for themselves but in Hebrew mean: Mischief: “toil, trouble, labour” Vexation: anger, provocation, grief, and frustration.” God looks closely at our deepest grief, anger, and emotions. Why?

  • “To take it into Your hand” – means when we hand our suffering over to God, He has been “entrusted to, permitted, granted, issued, and assigned” to hold onto it. When we hand our suffering over to God, we are trusting Him with our wound.

  • “The unfortunate commits himself to You” – The word “commits” is translated as “to leave, loose, and forsake.” I love this! It means to “depart from, leave behind, let alone.” Here’s the best part: “It is implied of a servant set free. To loosen bands!”

Can we get this picture! We do have the freedom to leave our wounds at the feet of Jesus. When we lay them at the cross, we are entrusting them to God. When we stand after laying them down, we are departing from them, leaving them behind – and above all setting ourselves FREE!

My sweet friends, may today be the day we truly “commit” ourselves to God.

Stephanie shares her story of sexual violation in chapter three. What an incredible testimony! She said something I hold onto today:

“And when the time came, I reached up, stopped asking questions,

and grasped the hand of the One

who holds the


The best part is surrender, handing it over, reaching up, grabbing hands, and letting go.

Peace Follows

And may you find peace this weekend.

Hope for Healing

  • Decide you want to get better

  • Turn your powerlessness into praise. Seek help!

  • Though others may help, God is the only One who can set you free.

Don't forget to read over pg 55-57 for helpful steps in working through this kind of wound.

You can do it! And we are praying!


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