Hagar: Chapter Five
From Persecuted to Pursued I love the story of Hagar. Let's visualize a young beautiful girl living in the king’s palace. Her life...
Mary, Monarchs and Me
Chapter Four is all about moving on after loss and living again after we find ourselves beaten down by circumstances beyond our control....
Chapter Four: Moving On after Loss
Studying Ruth and Naomi and their different reactions to grief, we discover powerful lessons about moving on (or getting stuck) after we...
Three Things to Emulate in Ruth
What can we learn from Ruth about moving on after devastating loss? She shows us three things we can emulate, with God's help and in...
Sweet Peace
Hello Sweet Online BSF (Bible Study Friends)! We made it through chapter three! Monday I shared this scripture from the book: “But you,...
The Light
In chapter three I share my experience with visiting a cave. I confess, I didn't like the darkness. Complete darkness in a cave is...
Chapter Three: Dinah (from Vulnerable to Victim)
Hello Sweet Online BSF (Bible Study Friends)! Last week Dena did a great job of bringing us through chapter two. This week might be a...
Freedom Friday: Without the Struggle, There Are No Wings
Chapter Two is coming to an end, but our journey is just beginning. Thank you for taking it with us. Please share with others what you're...