Freedom Friday: Breaking the Boundaries of Burdens
Ichabod's Mother: From Burdened to Bitter What happened to this woman? In Biblical days women were treated with less respect and...
Show Up - Don't Give Up
I Love Dena's words in this chapter. If we can take these few words, apply them to our minds, then perhaps something magical might happen...
Wounded Women of the Bible: Chapter Ten
Ichabod's Mother: From Burdened to Bitter Sometimes it feels as if the weight of the world has fallen upon us. The heaviness suffocates...
Week Seven: Mary and Martha
From Let Down to Lifted Up Imagine the whirl of emotions you’d experience if in the midst of an emergency, you dialed 911, and the...
Chapter Four: Moving On after Loss
Studying Ruth and Naomi and their different reactions to grief, we discover powerful lessons about moving on (or getting stuck) after we...
Freedom Friday: Without the Struggle, There Are No Wings
Chapter Two is coming to an end, but our journey is just beginning. Thank you for taking it with us. Please share with others what you're...