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Are you broken, wrecked, crushed?

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

Sometimes our hurting hearts feel physically broken. I’ve never had a broken limb but I have had a broken heart. Last year, after a major heart attack, my heart broke. Due to the damage of the attack, my heart never functioned the same. In fact, my heart beat became so weak it could have stopped at any moment.

I find the above scripture interesting. When I first read this scripture I pictured God healing my emotionally hurting heart. But after taking a closer look at the scripture I found that it really meant something far more than I expected. The word “brokenhearted” in the Hebrew actually means, “to break, wreck, crash.” The Hebrew references a ship being torn apart by the wind.

The Psalmist spoke of God healing the physically brokenhearted and binding their wounds. After reading that, the scripture had a greater meaning to me. My physically broken heart needed repairing. I needed a miracle. On April 20th I received a new heart. Though the process of recovering has been somewhat painful, I’m so very thankful to know that God can do as He says, “Heal the brokenhearted.” If He can do that much for the physical heart, then how much more for the emotionally hurting heart.

My friend, the Lord cares about you. His desire is to soothe the wound and restore your heart to a happy and joyful place. Hold onto to these words and allow them to bring you comfort. Settle into the knowledge of what this scripture tells us. Wait and work through the process of God taking you through your healing - trusting full well that a better day is coming.

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