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What's a Minion?

Life is busy! This weeks words to me:

"Stop stressing"

"Chill out"

"You need a minion."

"What's a minion?" was my response.

I completely passed over the stop stressing and chill out part and went right to the minion.

According to Wikipedia "Minion" means "a loyal servant of another."

Merriam-Webster says, "someone who is not powerful or important and who obeys the orders of a powerful leader or boss."

Question: How many of you think you're the Minion?

Perhaps that's why we're all stressing.

Yes Lord - bring me a Minion.

In truth, if this is what a minion looks like, I really am a minion - an overworked non-powerful servant who works for someone who is powerful. How often have I looked at myself in the mirror only to find this glaring back at me?

Serving one another can be trying and difficult, even when we serve the Lord. I know God doesn’t want us to end up looking like this minion in the midst of our service to Him. We should serve with gladness and over flowing hearts. However, work can take a toll on us – and that means any kind of work – even church work.

They key to success is finding time to allow God to renew our spirits, revive our weary bones, and recover our passions.

Hear what the word of the Lord says,

“Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears; For your work will be rewarded,” declares the Lord

“I satisfy the weary ones and refresh everyone who languishes.” (Jer. 31: 16, 25)

Today, I shall become a servant unto myself – while God embraces my aching overworked body. I will relax, take in a movie, soak in a tub, go for a drive, breath in God’s beauty, reflect upon His teachings, not worry, not cry over unfinished projects, put aside things that can wait another day, and just be . . . just be a simple child before the Lord . . . Minion or not.

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