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At the End of the Journey/Conclusions


Countryside Bike Ride

Well we’ve reached the end of our study. Oh how we will miss you.

My son left for college this weekend and another son became teary while saying good-bye to him.

I was thinking about the many things we often say good-bye to.

There will be things in our life we say good-bye to that will tear at our hearts, and there will be things we say good-bye to that we can’t send away fast enough (hopefully not our children).

As you go through this week and finish your chapters, please reflect on those wounds, hurts, losses, and so on, you have said good-bye to - or perhaps those you want to work at letting go of.

Our prayer is that through this book you have come to understand women in a deeper way, found hope for your own hurting heart, and encouragement to walk with other hurting women.

Dena and I will have our conclusions to the book on Friday. In the meantime, we’re praying for you and we thank you for taking this journey through Wounded Women of the Bible.

In His Love,


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