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Giving, Not Grasping

Jochebed let go of Moses, just as Abraham let go of Isaac. They were faithful to obey, and God used them in mighty ways.

The reality of giving up their children was overwhelming, I'm sure. Yet God met them in those painful places and poured out His mercy and grace. His light cut through the darkness, and over time, His perfect plan was revealed. He provided in miraculous ways--ways they could never have imagined.

What is God asking YOU to give up? What is He wanting to take from your grasp, not so He can inflict pain on you, but so that He can give you something else--something He knows you need?

Maybe He's asking you to give Him a long-held dream. Perhaps He wants you to stop nagging your spouse about something they have been doing, and trust that He is working on them. Or maybe He wants you to give up on perceived control about a situation--to stop fretting and expending unnecesary emotional energy.

If He's requesting something of you, know that He is always going to provide what you need during the transition time. If you need faith, He will be your shield.

If you need strength, He will be your rock.

If you need wisdom, He promises to fill your mind with the discernment and answers only He can give.

Trust Him...and watch what He will do.

As we finish this week, once again Tina and I thank you for your continued support and participation. We are really enjoying this time with you! Let me pray for us:

Lord, show us how to trust You. Give us hands that give and not grasp, hearts that offer up whatever you ask of us. Let us not obtruct your plans with our own. Make us more like Your son, in every way. Amen.

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